Sunday, January 9, 2011

zombie book club

Recent popular culture has reinvigorated America's love for zombies.  No stranger to following these trends in my quest to find the end of the internet during hung over saturday mornings, two pieces of literature recently caught my eye whilst at a reading/signing at Book People.  The first is this little gem by Holly Black: Zombies vs Unicorns.

Imagine the screams of glee of my inner 12 year old when I saw this.  They were many and loud.  After I calmed myself with promises of hours of playing TMNT2 on NES when I got home, I put the book down and told myself I didn't need it.  Taking approximately 17 steps, I stumbled upon the second in my zombie themed adventure at the book store, a recent publication by one of my favorite comedians, Patton Oswalt.  

After once again relishing in childhood amazement, I left the bookstore without purchasing either of these.  It took only 3 nights until after several beers, I ordered both of these on amazon.  Hoping to impress a young and dashing Sam Scarpino with my choice in novellas, I was saddened and then filled with hope to learn that he had done exactly the same thing the night before.  Seeing as we now are both waiting for these packages to arrive, we came to the conclusion that we are going to start a book club.  A zombie book club.  What better way to remember how much fun reading things not involved with science than to read about zombies?  And then drink beer and talk about it.  So, I herby christen the official Zombie Book Club, Austin chapter.  Feel free to read with us, to laugh and cry with us, to drink with us, and to stupidly argue about the ridiculousness of how zombies are currently being portrayed in popular culture....with us.  The first book we will be reading is, "Zombies vs Unicorns".  This book can be obtained at Book People, and you should do that and support a local business rather than getting drunk and ordering it online, like some embarrassing girls gone wild video.  Feel free to use this as a forum to suggest new books, contribute zombie appropriate material, and to drunkly rant about what you've been reading.

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